Embrace Uncertainty
A 4-month journey for passionate women feeling stuck at the crossroads of their life ready to reclaim peace, stability, and unshakable confidence in the face of the unknown.
In this private weekly one-on-one hypnotherapy & coaching program with Alicia Smith-Hudson, Certified Hypnotherapist & Holistic Health Coach, harness the power of your subconscious mind to stand courageously on your path, empowered to move forward trusting yourself and embodying your vision unapologetically.
Embrace Uncertainty
A 4-month journey for passionate women feeling stuck at the crossroads of their life ready to reclaim peace, stability, and unshakable confidence in the face of the unknown.
In this private weekly one-on-one hypnotherapy & coaching program with Alicia Smith-Hudson, Certified Hypnotherapist & Holistic Health Coach, harness the power of your subconscious mind to stand courageously on your path, empowered to move forward trusting yourself and embodying your vision unapologetically.
- You’re a hardworking passionate woman at the crossroads of a major decision about career, family, relationship, and/or your impact and purpose.
- You give your ALL to your job, maintaining your home, family, and maybe even squeeze in a workout, but you can’t settle the thought that something’s missing.
- You remember the passionate idealist in you, driven and dreaming, but that spirited-you has been clouded in fear-based decisions and…
- You know…viscerally… it is TIME to live your life and embark on a fully aligned path, unapologetically.
- You’re ready to stop sabotaging, and to start recreating yourself.

- Maybe you’ve tried countless healing modalities, practice a healthy lifestyle, and still find yourself feeling a lack of purpose and drive.
- To peel yourself from this stagnation, you become obsessed with finding a formula to “figure things out,” and get steeped in analysis paralysis.
- You feel disconnected from others, spinning in your thoughts.
- You go to sleep at night ruminating about the day and dreading the next.
- You escape your feelings of discomfort and obsessive thinking through consuming sweets, alcohol, overeating, scrolling social media, finding ways to numb out.
- You desperately want an answer, to control something in the midst of life feeling chaotic.
- You are trying to fit into a life your intuition keeps redirecting you from.
- I totally get it. Many clients come to me saying the same thing. They are overwhelmed, paralyzed by thinking about the next step/move/chapter and they just want to trust it will all work out so they can live a life of peace, stability, joy, less pain, better sleep, to be driven by what they truly want, and to take aligned action in getting it.

- You could navigate the challenges in your life with clarity, grace, ease, confidence, and excitement?
- You could tap into a sense of flow and peace as you face the unknown?
- You could act upon your decisions with clarity and courage?
- You felt fully aligned with your values, allowing your vision and intention to blanket you in security?
- The future felt inspiring and you could finally allow trust and curiosity to guide you?
- Greater stability, confidence, peace, and ease in the face of change and uncertainty.
- Mindful use of energy.
- Enhanced motivation to accomplish their intentions and goals.
- Resigning from a toxic job, navigating relationships with ease & clarity.
- A sustainable positive mindset, anchored in self-love and trust.
- Energized and excited about their unlimited opportunities.
- Openness, presence, and patience with others… family, friends, and co-workers.
- Better sleep and illuminating dreams.
- Establishing routines of self-care and improved health.
- Speaking up for their needs, honoring their voice in relationships and on the job.
- Following the momentum toward their dreams and goals!
Embrace Uncertainty is here as a steady anchor in the midst of life’s turbulence.
In this program, working with both the conscious desires and the subconscious motivation, I guide you in tapping into your innate wisdom and power in the face of the unknown.
When we learn to look within (not just analyze and reason), and to access inner wisdom and resources at the subconscious level, we can start to unravel from fear and begin to dance with not-knowing.
While creating the changes in your life will take effort and commitment, it is far less grueling of a process than what you might think. Real change starts within, with intentional action and drive and you can get there with my support in bringing your subconscious on board for 100% success. By taking action and learning how to work with your subconscious mind, you can stop feeling as if you are sabotaging your best efforts.
You can feel stable, secure, and excited about the possibilities of a thriving life.
Let’s get you there.
What clients are saying
Our paths crossed at one of the most difficult times I have had in my life. I had recently had a major health issue that was threatening my career and the stress from my health was also putting a strain on my marriage. I had allowed my career to take over my life in a highly toxic way and couldn’t see a way back to balance. My body knew better and forced me to stop in such a way that I couldn’t be distracted by anything except to focus on my own healing.
I had always been curious about hypnotherapy, although at the same time skeptical. The intro one-on-one session dissolved any skeptical thoughts I had about how useful this work could be for me, and most importantly what a perfect guide you were for me with this kind of work.
There are so many positive changes it is difficult to pick just one. I would have to say, though, that while my inner snarky critic is still present, she doesn’t have the hold on me that she used to. I can acknowledge her as a part of me that is trying to keep me safe, but I don’t have to believe her snarky comments and can instead trust that I am enough as I am, that I am whole and complete, and that I am safe. I can trust in the abundance around me.
I have a new expansiveness at work that wasn’t there before, when I was so busy trying to measure up to invisible and unattainable measures of success and worthiness. As I continue to trust in my innate worthiness, I am able to show up more completely in my relationships and they feel much more genuine and connected. I have a new level of vulnerability in my marriage that is opening up wonderful levels of emotional intimacy and connection I had feared I wasn’t capable of having. My life feels very expansive and abundant in all levels, and I trust that I am creating this abundance and can share it freely with those around me.
My husband made a comment about how much I have changed and how positive and light I have become. My family have also commented on how present I am and how grounded I appear, as well as appreciating how I am navigating my recovery without giving in to fear or despair.
I really enjoyed the check-ins at the beginning of our sessions and how beautifully you mirrored my concerns and redirected any self-criticism and negative self-talk into something where I could instead appreciate myself for trying to keep myself safe. You have a beautiful gift for creating expansiveness and possibilities that feel tangible without the trappings of the toxic positivity that can exist in a lot of gratitude-based work.
What resonated the most with me, although I had a tough time with it at first, was the Inner Child work. As I accepted and increasingly opened to my inherent goodness and truly felt the feeling of “I am enough”, I was able to really meet my Inner Child and give her the nurturing for which she has been asking.
Overall, this experience was Nurturing. Supportive. Reflective.
What clients are saying
Working with Alicia was such an incredibly healing experience. I can’t even express how much I appreciated her gifts of listening, holding space and guiding. Alicia provides detailed notes and suggestions after each session, and I flag each one of the emails after our sessions so I can go back to them again and again for inspiration and reflection. I truly feel a huge transformation in how I am tuning in with myself, trusting in my timing, taking small steps to truly embody the life I know I deserve. I feel like I am no longer resisting my natural process and am giving myself permission to go at my own pace and that it doesn’t have to look like anyone else. I feel a lot more clarity within the depths of my inner world.
Allie Lyon, Artist and Yoga/Nidra/Meditation Teacher
A 4-month Highly Personalized and Immersive Program:
- 1.1 Private Hypnotherapy + Coaching (12 weekly sessions)
- Session one is 2 hours
- Session 2-12 are 75 minutes
- Thorough post-session notes: I will send you recaps of the session, including resources, homeplay (action steps), journal prompts, and tools/practices to implement between sessions to reinforce new programming in your subconscious for optimal success.
- In-between session support: 9-5 (PT) correspondence access & accountability via email or text messaging. Integrate resources and wins, share roadblocks, move through challenges and the ebbs and flows of progress.
- 4-month access to bi-weekly group program: 4-month complimentary access to group program (begins January 2024)
- 1.1 Private Hypnotherapy + Coaching (12 weekly sessions)
- Bonus: Past Life Regression Sessions (Value: $600)
Take a journey of connecting with your purpose, but in a more condensed space with renewed context. You exit your current limited context and go into another realm for deeper alignment. If you’re looking for acceleration toward your new life’s vision, this is the path.
Total Value is $3925
Investment: Pay in Full of $2547 (save 10%)... or 4 pay option $700
In 4 months, you will change… from feeling stuck in your old story to identifying with a new way of being: clear, motivated, driven, and resourced to navigate uncertainty with ease and a gentle sigh of presence, empowered to face any challenge. You will fall in love with your life again.
What clients are saying
It is with much gratitude that I would like to say how much better I feel upon completing the Embrace Uncertainty program. Joining this program came at a time when I really needed to make some changes in my life. I immediately felt trust and connection with Alicia Joy. Her presentation on hypnosis made so much sense to me, and I realized that it was time to grow in a different direction. This program encouraged me to look forward with new goals and hope. With her guidance, I steadily made steps towards feeling more peace in my life, long overdue. Alicia faithfully guided me to take weekly steps to do the work and embrace change.
In time, most of the negativity I had been carrying felt like it was truly behind me. I could cite examples of being more confident and grounded. I felt peaceful and lighter as the burdens I had been carrying were lifted and replaced a sense of relief.
Alicia's steady support held me up as I found courage to continue the journey. Over time, fear and sadness were replaced with confidence and peacefulness.
The Embrace Uncertainty program has been an invaluable tool to assist me in moving forward in my life and feeling peace.
- You are willing to commit to 16-consecutive transformational weeks.
- You are ready to uncover aspects of your mind, mindset, behavioral patterns, beliefs, and scripts.
- You understand that progress is not a steady incline, but includes ebbs and flows, and even discomfort, as you start to take risks and embody a new way of living.
- You are EXCITED and LIT UP by new learning and growth.
- You are ready to enhance your path by understanding, tapping into, and building a relationship with the subconscious mind.
- You expect hypnotherapy to be “an easy fix.”
- You don’t care to engage in the power of energy, the mind, body, and spirit.
- You see this as a “do to” process, rather than a “do with” process.
- You really are not ready to prioritize this level of commitment to your healing.

Alicia is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Holistic Health Coach, and former educator. Through her own path of healing the physical, mental, and emotional body, Alicia has fostered keen awareness of the critical nature of relationship, connection and rapport. It is this connection that propels her hypnotherapy practice, serving as a guide for her clients to align their body, mind, and spirit in order to manifest their goals.
Combining a variety of techniques, experiences, and modalities into her practice; including NLP, Imagery, Dream Therapy, Law of Attraction, Mindfulness, Inner Child Healing, Integrative Nutrition, Yoga, a MA in Education, and more, Alicia creates a rich experience for connecting with the subconscious mind to create lasting change on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.
Alicia’s mission is to empower passionate, driven women to break from limiting beliefs, harness their innate wisdom and creativity, and build a loving, aligned relationship with their body, mind, and spirit.
Find out what’s possible!
Apply for a brief Alignment Call.
This is the first step of the process and helps us explore mutual alignment before we begin a partnership of hypnotherapy and coaching.
Space is limited.