Tending to your peace in the face of uncertainty

“Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.”
-Mahatma Ghandi

Lately, I’ve been extra attentive to my body, my inner landscape, my energy, my spirit, my heart. The purpose of this attentiveness is not so much out of protection (more on boundaries/protection in another newsletter:)), as it is to allow the light that is within to shine even more.

Not only are we each managing our own changes - both in our inner and outer reality- but we’re also feeling the global reality turning, shifting. And at times, it can seem unbearably challenging.

These times are big; a barrage of confusion, mental gymnastics, vigilance arise that can easily yank anyone from center, from purpose, from deliberate considerations, and from a belief in a better situation.

But you can always come back.

Coming back to center is always there; even though at pivotal points, it seems to take EVEREST effort. Those are the absolute essential moments when it is critical to nurture your precious energy, your calm, your joy and your vision.

Many are seeking support right now in the face of uncertainty arising on many levels. With the influx of overwhelming physical, emotional and mental content right now, the primitive mind ignites to fight, flee, freeze, or fawn.

Cultivating inner peace is the true antidote for healing in the midst of chaos, change, and deep uncertainty within and with regards to our external world. The external world becomes a reflection of our inner world; and thus, the real rallying cry to tend to our inner landscape so we have the stamina and vision to act in alignment with the world we dream of.

Reclaim your center.

Prioritize tending to your energy. Move away from the wheel of automatic behaviors and mindsets that spin you in overwhelm, distraction, and worry, paralyzing you from taking that next step in alignment with your dreams and vision.

Your dreams and desires deserve a home, a place to bloom and grow. You deserve a space to engage in possibility, a new aligned momentum building premise and paradigm for living. Change your inner and outer world using the most powerful tool you have- your mind- which influences not only your thoughts, but also your emotions and behaviors– basically, the trajectory of your life. When you can access your subconscious mind to work with your conscious desires, you harness a superpower to always come back to center and BELIEVE.

We all benefit from your belief in a better world -in and out. We all benefit from your imagination stoked in the belief in a collective good for all.


Invitations to prioritize your peace and calm:

  1. Lean in. You aren’t alone. Surround yourself with others who share your desire to heal and lead with love. Listen to your body, your intuition, and choose to lean into those who feel like home to you- who bear witness, who listen, who share from their heart, who you get to be real and vulnerable with, who mirror and enhance the change you wish to see.
  2. Tend to your energy. Be discerning about what you consume into your body and mind. This is not about good/bad, but about nourishing your frequency in alignment with your goals. Maybe you need a break from social media or to break from it altogether. Maybe you need to rethink your relationships and unbind yourself from any energy that drains you. What you consume also includes the thoughts you think and words you speak. Be mindful, loving, and compassionate every step of the way. It isn’t about being perfect, but about practicing curiosity, compassion, and love facing discomfort as you transform and become more of who you wish to be. Embracing the process IS the practice. See the change you wish to be, and create the fertile ground to embody it.
  3. Commit to a daily practice of cultivating inner peace. Practicing meditation &/ or self-hypnosis on a regular basis, along with your somatic practices will help you to more easily drop into a state of peace AT ANY TIME. You can build a safe space within you that is ever present, an ultimate resource of wisdom and clarity. Your home within.

While existing in a liminal state is inherently uncomfortable, it's also where magic and miracles happen. Using the power of our mind, we can see this space as one of true potential; a space where we stop replaying old predictable stories and allow a new song, a new story, a new life to be created that gets to be better than ever imagined. We're meant to evolve, to grow, to create, to love more and more and more.

So, let's goooooo!