Walking Conversations
There are infinite stories we can choose to listen to and converse with. Which do you choose?
We tend to live life as “walking conversations” (Peter Crone).
What we tell ourselves, share with others, and reinforce about our life informs how we think, feel, act, and essentially the persona we become.
I understand this so well. Most important for me as a child was to prove that I was good. I lived from this lens. My greatest fear was acting and thinking and therefore being seen as bad by anyone (especially what I thought of as God). This caused me to act from fear. Fear became my motivator. My thoughts, emotions, actions revolved - not entirely- BUT to a large extent- around this identity.
It wasn’t until I learned that it was impossible to ever BE bad, and that I was a miracle just as all creator beings are, that I knew- body, spirit, mind, soul, heart--that I had control over my own reality.
And by understanding this control, I could see that this construct, this “conversation with life,” is one I created to seek love, being seen, appreciated, and valued. I realized that this very construct could be unlearned and the conversation could be changed so that I could BE more of the me I came here to be.
Our personality is creating our personal reality.
The experience you are having in your life right now is mirroring back your personality and all of the intelligent and protective mechanisms of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious identity is filtering your experience to fit the reality aligned with the narratives that have been playing in your mind your entire life.
But this is JUST a perception. It does not have to be your reality.
And yet, I get it… It can feel so intense and real and suffocating at times.
You may be thinking about that next decision, whether to stay in your long-term relationship or leave… whether to resign from a job you’re clearly burnt out from, or to just stick it out…whether to really break from that negative habit or just hang on to it one more day…
And you get overrun with thoughts that project into the future that hasn’t yet played out:
“I’m afraid I’ll feel…” “I’m afraid I’ll be…” “I’m afraid they’ll say…” “I’m afraid it’ll happen again…”
Some of these we are conscious of… and some are just below the surface… but the motivation keeping us stuck in the undesirable pattern is subconsciously influencing us 95% of the time. Your body has become conditioned to accept this reality, holding emotions and memories, and your emotions and thoughts are often spilling forward with such familiarity and comfort that you bypass your own opportunity for true healing.
It’s time to reroute this. To bring more mindfulness and presence to life because we are all worthy of our own attention and love… from which incredible healing unfurls our absolute best selves to pulse, thrive, and shine so fully and magically as the unique beings we are.
We stay in these past constructs because we allow them to feel solidified, as “just the way it is.” And we walk through life in this conversation, in this lens of “how we be” that has been and continues to be constructed.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. What has been constructed can be deconstructed and rebuilt. You don’t have to be locked in fear, in the emotional charges, steeped in past experiences in which you made a decision to make meaning out of a circumstance without knowing that it was simply a moment in time that does not define you.
The truth is: YOU are unlimited. You are already free.
What would it really mean to live the life of your dreams? The unknown is exactly where the miracles your heart and soul are guiding you toward actually happen.
So first, pleeeeease breathe.
Really breathe and feel yourself in the space you’re in.
BE present.
This presence allows you to take the stance more as the observer than the emotional body steeped in story and personality. Release the burdens by remembering that you are not your burdens or your struggle. The fear, anxiety, worry, stress you’re experiencing is pointing you to an area of your life you get to heal, which in and of itself IS the path to greater freedom your angst is bringing up for you to look at.
We are presented the opportunity to face these moments, and by facing them, we have an opportunity to shift what has been holding us back for way too long.
IT IS TIME to open into your dreams, to unlearn all that you aren’t, and to simply shine, unapologetically, as your true self.
Stop holding yourself back from what you know is pulsing its true message to you as a unique, beautiful, absolutely deserving, valuable, worthy and magical soul. Let’s mirror this radiance for others to shine more fully as well.
It’s time to discover, AND to rediscover this you… to live so fully that there is no question you forge forward, no longer allowing your fears to bear such paralyzing weight.
Working with the subconscious mind, you get to reprogram these patterns and re-ignite your passion for living by reconnecting to the divine nature of your being.
When you become your own loving partner, your own best friend and guru, you do the scary thing and shine light on your soul’s greatest purpose.
What if the next chapter was even greater than you ever imagined? Let’s clear all the lies and limitations holding you back from the absolute truth of the magic and beauty of the reality present for you.